Monday, December 13, 2010

Romantic Body Language to Attract the Opposite Sex

Body language is something which everyone makes use of, both intentionally and unwittingly, in order to ascertain or measure how much a person is really interested in them. Being able to command and take over your non verbal communication and making sure that your body language is appealing could help you make a great and fabulous and very crucial first impression.

Most individuals do not realize what they are trying to do themselves, nevertheless, when it comes to romantic body language. By following these easy and simple hints, you would be able to take command of your non verbal cues in order to provide you with the best and favorable results as possible.

In the long run, you might also know and understand all those "hidden cues" of someone you are speaking to.

1. Try to Position Yourself Toward Them. There is really nothing wrong with trying to talk to the side of one person. When opening your body up to someone you're talking or discussing to, you are trying to give off that romantic body language which could help the individual to know that indeed, you are interested (or attracted) to them.

2. Stand closer, but not very close. Body language is very significant, and it considerably depends on just how close you are to a person. By checking yourself to make sure that you are at the right distance apart, you could be sure that you are showing and exhibiting the right kind of vibe.

Yet, it is still possible, nonetheless, to get so close to somebody, but wreck the chemistry or "spark" altogether. Well, there is actually a particular rule that is easy to follow; if let's say, if you're more than one arm's length, then you are too far from that person. and being too far from someone gives off that aura that you're not interested at all.

Likewise, also keep your distance and know when you're already too close for comfort. Personal space is absolutely essential, so be very certain that you strike the comfortable balance between too close and too far. Being somewhere just halfway is often a good call when you want to radiate that sex body language.

3. Create Eye Contact, and Blink Frequently. Making that eye contact is by far one of the most effective of the romantic body language signals ever. When you initiate that eye contact, you are channeling that vibe that they become aware that you're into them, and that you're listening and...very interested.

When you blink more often, you're showing that what is deemed as instinctive signal.

4. Mirror Their Body Language To Some Point. Unknowingly, a person who is very interested in another would reflect their own mannerisms. By imitating someone's non verbal cues to some extent, you could be certain that you'll send signals which would attract your target without being blunt and crude.

But you must not recreate each single gesture they make; that would be perceived as rude. If you just mimic a few body language cues, nevertheless, like the smiling, the closeness, you could demonstrate that you're as interested as they are to you.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


 Essential to the game of love and sexual attraction is flirting. The reason that this is so important can be traced to Peer Group Pressure and Fear of Rejection.

Ask yourself this question: "Why are so many men and women terrified of rejection." There are seven billion or more people on this planet. Why should you care if a few people reject your advances there's always a few billion more. The reason is Peer Group Evaluation or Peer Group Pressure.

Psychologists believe that when we were all living in much smaller communities or tribes and everyone knew everyone else, reputation naturally became everything. So, if you were known to be rejected by a person then your suitability rating was diminished. Equally, if you were accepted then your suitability rating increased. It's quite similar to how Google ranks web pages. A link from a quality web page improves your ranking while a link from a poor quality page reduces it. The danger of being visibly rejected is that it encourages others to reject you too. In this case it’s just another form of peer pressure. I.e. "If Janice rejected Mike maybe there's something wrong with him? Maybe I should reject him too just in case. Hell I don't want to be seen with Janice's reject anyway."

If you think this system no longer applies then just watch how people behave at parties or nightclubs. Subconsciously, men will only approach a woman if they feel that they have more than an eighty percent chance of being accepted.

This is where flirting and sex signals become important. In a sense they are a code used between humans to test the levels of mutual attraction before visibly acting and thus risking rejection. Where people are watching and a rejection is taking place, the person doing the rejecting often exaggerates the act so that the spectators are in no doubt as to who is the loser. Sometimes seen as cruel this is actually a form of self protection. The person doing the rejection cannot afford the peer-group doubt that they themselves might have been rejected.

Hair strokeThe Hair Preen: Women with long hair often twirl or play with it out of habit but It's also a sign of nervous or playful arousal. It's used to attract a man's attention or to show him that his masculinity is attractive to her. This signal is sometimes confused with hair tugging which actually indicates the opposite - intense discomfort and a desire to be somewhere else. In this case the hair is "jerked" and forcibly pulled. When a woman preens her hair the motions are slower and luxurious. The hair is stroked and twirled in a sensual fashion. In real life a person would have to be blind to not notice the difference.

A Closer Look

The Closer Look: (left) This is a very obvious female sex signal and translated means - "You're worth a closer look and I want you to know I'm looking." In the image to the left the woman has also opened her mouth with a hint of the "I'm ready to be kissed / You've taken my breath away" gesture. This is a fairly common signal at daytime parties or by the poolside where more subtle signals may well be missed. It works best with sunglasses that actually make things harder to see but can work with ordinary reading glasses. Her hand movement attracts the man's attention.

The Glamour

The Glamour Pose: (right) Arching her back to emphasise her bottom and flexibility (youth), pushing her breasts forward and playing with her luxurious hair, the model to the right is exaggerating normally subtle signals into large movements and dramatic sexual gestures. This is most often used by a woman where the male target is a fair distance away or where she wants absolutely no doubt about what is on her mind. Exaggerated female body language is often seen at large gatherings or public spaces like a beach were simple "quieter" signals are often unnoticed.

Lip Lick

Lips lickThe Lip Lick: (left) As a sex signal this is pure dynamite an one to which men often overreact Woman lick their lips for two reasons - they're either dry or she's sexually interested. Let’s skip the psycho-babble about moist genitals and clitoral stimulation and go to the facts. If a woman places her tongue at the corner of her mouth and then sensually licks her upper lip she consciously or subconsciously wants you to know she's getting very interested. It doesn't mean she wants the man to launch himself over the table and onto her but it does mean "don't be a dummy - even you can't miss this."

Pout / Air Kiss

I'm Wide Open: (right) Context is an important consideration when both using and evaluating this signal. Many women would never consider sitting in this way if they were wearing a dress. From childhood woman are taught that the correct way to sit is with their legs together so one must assume that the decision to sit with legs apart is a strong and sexually aggressive signal. However, if she's just been on a five mile hike it may well be more about comfort than sexuality. It is believed to indicate that a woman is opening her legs to remind a man of what is between them and show willing.

Open for You

Pursed lips / Air Kiss: (above) Some women have naturally "sculptured" lips and are often seen as both beautiful and desirable by the men that they meet. By pursing her lips in the way shown above a woman is essentially kissing the air. When making this gesture to a man it is both conscious and unmistakable. This is a gesture that can be made some woman and scorch the walls but done by others it just doesn’t work - particularly by those woman that have over-plumped up their lips with collagen. Some women have significantly more control over the tiny muscles of the lips than others and for these women this is "the" sex signal.

My Cute Ass

My Lovely Ass: (left) The female bottom, both amongst primates and humans, holds a fierce attraction for males. Buttock augmentation is rapidly becoming common cosmetic surgery particularly in countries where a curvy bottom is considered a woman's sexiest attribute (Brazil for example). This signal is done by placing one hand on the hip to pull the fabric taught across her cheeks and then half turning away so that the man can appreciate the shape and beauty of her bottom. One hand is often placed on her stomach to make it less obvious that she is also arching her back to make her bottom more prominent.
Dilated Pupils

Parted Lips (Ready to Kiss) : (right) The chin is lifted and the lips parted as if ready to be kissed. This is a serious sex signal and not one that is used casually for flirting. This is often the final signal in a progression indicating that physical contact can now take place. Some psychologists claim that by parting the lips of her mouth a woman is suggesting that she is ready to part the lips of her vagina. While at first this may sound dubious, it is interesting to note that very many women seeking a sexual partner choose lipstick that is extremely close to the colour of their labia or nipples. Coincidence?

Parted Lips 

Air kissingDilated Pupils! (above) When shown pictures of the same people that either had the pupils of their eyes airbrushed larger or smaller, almost all people tested indicated that they felt more attracted to the pictures with the larger pupils. Most importantly, they couldn’t explain why. The reason is that our pupils dilate when we’re feeling sexually aroused. Pupils also dilate when it's darker so perhaps that’s why candle light dinners are so romantic. English Tudors of the fifteenth century actually placed drops of deadly belladonna poison into their eyes to dilate their pupils and create the effect.

Sexy Blush

Sexy Blushing: (left) There are basically two types of blushing. There's the “Sexy Blush” and the “Embarrassed Blush”. They both happen because an emotional state triggers blood vessels to dilate and the cheeks are where it is most obvious. "Women draw attention to themselves by tossing or playing with their hair, tilting their heads, raising their eyebrows, giggling, or blushing." (Encyclopaedia of psychology - Alan E. Kazdin). The cosmetics industry has understood this signal since Egyptian times and one of the consistently best selling make-up items is cheek rouge or "blusher"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Wonders of Body Language

Position for sleeping
Actions do speak louder, much louder, than words. If every action and gesture could only be instantly converted to real and communicative words, you would be surprised to hear the loudest screams from every action from people.

Some people have unconsciously given out the real content of their hearts and of their minds on actions. That is why through the years, communication experts and researchers have dealt a great time and focus into looking closely at body language.

Body language

Body language clearly and effectively conveys ideas, feelings and thoughts. Thus, looking a person straight in the eye and with great intensity, could convey the lust and passion one person is feeling for the other.

Sometimes, people develop the uncanny ability of communicating just through mere eye contacts. People with that ability are said to have developed the great sense of rapport.

Anger, admiration, security, doubt, happiness, disappointment, lust, passion, sadness and all other emotions can be communicated and conveyed even without the use of words. The art and function of body language would have to take its toll.

Some obvious and common body language

You might have probably learned a little practical body language lessons and knowledge by observing the gestures and actions of your parents, office mates, or partner.

For example, when your partner is talking to you, and he or she suddenly crossed his or her arms, that should be a great warning to you that your partner is having some insecure moments and he or she wants to conceal that from you.

Crossing one's arms is a great body language, somehow a reflex that means the person is protective of himself or herself. That means that his or her sense of self security is put at risk, and he or she will protect it to the extent that he or she would have to attack others'

Justification would be the more appropriate and effective word for that reaction. When someone does that while talking to you, beware, and do not rub much into the person's face. Otherwise, you would rub some wound and could be reverted back to you.

Another body language or gesture would be the handshake.

Handshakes are common in the civilized world. Through handshakes, people firm up and symbolize openness and willingness to open up to a new acquaintance.

Loose handshakes could indicate disinterest. If you met a new friend or acquaintance and the handshake was not that firm, it means the person is not that open and happy to having known you.

Firm handshakes on friends mean that the other person looks at you significantly and that person value and treasure you as a friend. He or she wants to keep a firm grip on your friendship, which is a really good actuation or symbol.

How to deal with negative body language

Of course there are also gestures and body languages that depict and clearly point out negative emotions and love feelings.

When encountering such gestures from people, you are sometimes put up to a difficult and compromising situation. The best thing to do during instances like these is to keep your focus and self confidence.

If your conscience is clear, and you are harboring no ill feelings or intention toward people, you should not be afraid and uncomfortable.

The body is there for a lot of functions. Doing out tasks is not the limit to the body. Conveying messages and feelings would further be made effective by the support and use of body language.

Monday, September 13, 2010

12 Tips for Reading Her Body Language Signals

Want to know what she is really thinking and feeling? How to read her body language gestures to get it right. Understanding her body language has never been easier.

1: Her chest. When indulging in foreplay, a pinkish flush will colour the skin of her chest, this is known as a "sex flush". This occurs as a result of changes in her blood pressure and circulation, as well as her respiration and pulse rates. This is her subtle way of telling you that you could get lucky if you keep on with what you are doing. Another positive sign that you are doing it right is when her breasts start to enlarge. Women's breasts will increase by as much as 25% when they are sexually aroused.

2: Her pupils. A woman's pupils will dilate when she is stimulated by you. Subconsciously, her body is made to want to see more of whatever is pleasing her visually. To do this, her irises have to let in more light. At this point she is also starting to look hotter to you as well, as research has shown that guys are more attracted to girls with larger pupils. A win-win situation!

3: Her eyelashes. Look her in the eyes for a minute. She should be blinking about 15 times per minute. Research has shown that women on the Pill blink 32% faster than those who aren't. How does this help you? Due to the shift in her hormone levels, women on the Pill are more sexually attracted to guys with rugged features and strong wide jaws. Strive for the confident, strong and hard image.

4: The small of her back. As a woman nears orgasm she will start to arch her back. Clasp her tightly around her waist and pay attention to just how much arching she is doing. Do not stop now. Keep everything going until she climaxes. Yours is coming.

5: Her nose. A woman's sense of smell is best first thing in the morning. Maybe you should clean your teeth if you are feeling amorous. Cooking her meal first thing in the morning is the best way to impress her with your cooking skills. Why? Because 90% of the taste of the meal is in the aroma. According to one study, warm banana bread is best if you have loving on your mind because it has an aroma that increases the blood flow to her vagina.

6: Her fingernails. Body-focused repetitive behaviours such as nail biting and cuticle picking are strong signs of anxiety or depression in women. Try not to nag her to stop; this can just make it worse. Try taking her hand, gently squeeze or massage it, and then keep holding it.

You should be able to feel the tension leave her hand.

7: Her hands. Cold hands, warm heart. Does she always seem to have cold hands? Research shows that her hands are at least 3 degrees colder than yours. This drops even further when she is stressed. Women's bodies have been programmed to keep their body core temperatures warmer than their extremities. The best way to warm up her hands is to wrap your arms around her waist, thereby increasing her body core temperature and allowing the blood to flow back into her hands.

8: Her brain. Women's brains respond to alcohol differently to men's. While men lose their inhibitions with alcohol, women tend to become more sedated. If you want to get her in the party spirit you should turn up the music. Mid to fast tempo music will put her in the mood and have her feeling more sociable.

9: Her ovaries. Female sexual motivation is at its peak when she is ovulating. This occurs two weeks after her period started. When a woman is most fertile, she is most libidinous. Careful.

10: Her Hair. When a woman starts playing with her hair she is sending strong sexual body language signals that she is available. Stroking her hair is a good sign, but the best of the lot is the hair flick. This is said to be the surest signal that she is sexually attracted to you.

11: Her Neck: Stroking her neck or playing with her necklace are also very strong flirting body language signs, By doing these things she is drawing attention to her breasts. Throats and necks are lover's only zones, and if she is also arching her neck the signal is even stronger.

12: Her Mouth: When a woman starts to think sexual thoughts, she touches her mouth. Licking her lips, sucking on the straw or spoon suggestively, and sticking things in her mouth are all indicators that she could be up for it. Eating, drinking, and smoking faster are also great body language gestures indicative of erotic thoughts.

Use your observation skills! Read those body language signals to seduce your lover.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Body language to arouse sex instinct...

&13;&13;'Samundar mein naha ke aur bhi namkin ho gayi ho'!!!! This is one of the catchy lines in one of the songs of Amitabh Bachchan's movie wherein he sings for Zeenat Aman who comes out of the beach, fully drenched. She looks really hot and sexy in her wet clothes. This shows that the body language can have a very effective result in arousing the sexual interests of a man.

A woman with her body language can easily instigate and beckon a man towards her. There are a number of such body languages that a woman can display in order to arouse sexual instincts in men. It has been found that sometimes the body shows certain signals that come out unconsciously and sometimes it is knowingly done or purposefully displayed. Women today are still using much of the same body language to attract men that their ancient ancestors used and men still fall for women's tricks.

Here are such body languages both by men and women. Women have more flirting body languages that they use or adopt in order to evoke sexual desires in men. Entwining her legs (men can't do this one because their hips are too narrow) draws a mans attention. However, it indicates she is very protective and closed to sexual advances from men. Her tight leg muscles are appealing to a man but are his challenge to untangle.

Another great preening move men enjoy watching is for a woman to do things calling attention to her mouth. Licking her lips, putting on lipstick, or eating something slowly with obvious great pleasure is stimulating to men. Just watching her mouth make men hungry for all of her. If she is clever, she exposes some bare skin in the process. This is where the guy accidentally misses his mouth and pours his drink in his lap while trying "not to look".

&13;Men can also use effective flirting body languages to attract women. A man can enter walking slowly with good posture and no extra movements. If you make more extra movements then it shows that you have no control over your actions and you are not sure of what to do and what not to do. So walking should be smart enough with your thumbs in the front pocket. If you are seated, keep any of your personal objects like keys, drink, food and coins to demarcate your territory. Sometimes your smoking can attract a woman, though she would never like her husband to smoke. However, some women might enjoy watching her boy friend smoking. Eye contact can at times be very effective as eyes are the reflection of your mind and what you are thinking about. Thus eye contact can lead to arouse sexual instinct in a person.

A man can be instigated by any woman. It is easier for a woman to attract a man in comparison to a man attracting a woman. A woman has the potential to arouse sexual desire to such an extent that he is not in the position to think with his brain and becomes a prey to a woman. Certain body languages can thus be very destructive in killing the mind of a man. A woman looks seductive in a very trivial state, maybe with water on her body, just by eating slowly, exposing a little bit, and showing a bit of skin. However, a man should keep in mind that love can never arise from such overtly display of skin show.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Essence of Sexual Body Language in Mating

Sexual body language is used massively to enhance sex and survival as main ingredients of reproduction. One of the major biological assignment in life is to find a mate who can help us pass on our genes through offsprings. This ibody kanguage in every other species and is as old as time. If a being lacks the sexual drive they do not reproduce therefore they simply become extinct. Human beings live in defined social groups and communities. To avoid bad sexual behavior and overt romantic competition conventional dating rules were invented. The set codes of conduct involves finding a mate, flirting and reproduction. Deviation from these cultures are highly punishable.

In most cultures having sex before marriage is an abomination which receives a lot of public criticism and severe consequences. Customary rules advocate for acceptable sexual behavior. Lessons on how to have sex and reproduce are forcefully and subtly taught to people. Incase their is any deviation from these rules their is a big price to pay. Sexual urges are still publicly revealed despite the social pressure to stick to the riles. This does not have to be spoken out since it is clearly read from our sexual body language.

One of the sexual body language is revealed through a standing posture where the thumbs are deeply set in the pockets. It is a sexy posture that says it better than any word. It emphasizes great sexuality. He will casually stand like this mostly while facing a woman who sexually appeals to him. He is using the body language to communicate that "You know i want you badly, can't we go to work?". You should notice that the fingers are pointing down to the area of sexual interest. Guys will seriously claim it is a comfortable and relaxed way to stand but we can read the body language. Women also use certain body language to attract attention from men and show their sexuality. It is like they say 'hey, i am a female look at me!' It is like she is unconsciously posing to advertise her sexuality.

A woman will use her eyes to tell you what you mean to her. She might not say it but her eyes betray her. If she wants some sex action you will read the passion in her eyes. Women are emotional and if you maintain less proximity between the two of you, there is a possibility that you will end up kissing. She used her sexual body language to entice you. Body language is strong than any customs and will come out louder than than any word. Women use their sexual body language to attract or reject men. Men's body language gives women enough information to help them make the decisions over time. This provides an opportunity for the woman to choose the most desirable man to mate with and develop a long lasting relationship. You thought dating and courtship was meant for romance but it all boils down to maintaining the species or preventing the species from becoming extinct.